Share Lived Experience

Connect with people like you - living with or supporting someone with mental illness, substance use, or a stressful live event.




Connect with people like you - living with or supporting someone with mental illness, substance use, or a stressful live event.

Pursue Recovery and Wellness


Overcome Isolation

+ Find and Create Groups

+ Find People with Similar Backgrounds


Engage and Empower

+ Share Knowledge and Support

+ In Peer Groups and One-on-One

+ Discover Community Strength


Control Your Experience

+ Easily Manage Interactions

+ Stay Anonymous, Private and Secure at No Cost

Recovery and Wellness start with hope.

Hope is nourished by the support of like minds sharing their lived experience. ForLikeMinds helps you on your journey from hope to recovery.


is a seed.

Recognizing your possibilities and loving yourself can awaken hope inside.


is a seed.

Loving yourself and recognizing your possibilities can awaken the hope inside.



it starts to grow.

Seek and accept support from peers, family, friends, and professionals.



it starts to grow.

Seek and accept support from peers, family, friends, and professionals.

It blooms into


You can live a full and meaningful life and manage the challenges along the way.

It blooms into


You can live a full and meaningful life and manage the challenges along the way.

And matures into


Wellness is caring for mind and body, yourself, and others.

And matures into  


Wellness is caring for mind and body, yourself, and others.

Our Story

I was diagnosed with depression and then bipolar disorder 20 years ago while a graduate student. Like so many of us, the stigma associated with mental illness kept me silent and in denial about my condition, making it only worse.

Bipolar disorder impacted every aspect of my life. I felt alone and isolated. At times, I thought my life was over. At my lowest, I experienced suicidal depression. I lost hope. Accepting my family’s loving support and connecting with other people were critical to my recovery. The example of others taking on similar challenges gave me the hope that I could too.

I was awed and inspired by the great courage and strength of our community. Once I finally achieved recovery, I realized that too many people like me continue to suffer in silence. But there is hope. My spouse and I created ForLikeMinds to help people like us achieve recovery and wellness together. You are not alone. Please join us.

Call us a weed

We proliferate in the most surprising places

Do not cast us aside for we shall not wither nor die

Take a closer look and see the power to survive and thrive push from deep within

It is a light that shines through the shadow cast by stark stigma

— Founder

Call us a weed

We proliferate

in the most surprising places

Do not cast us aside

for we shall not wither nor die

Take a closer look and see the power to

survive and thrive push from deep inside

It is a light that shines through the

shadow cast by stark stigma


Firsthand knowledge and experience about consumers unmet needs amid the evolving treatment landscape. Providing insights from lived experience expertise to enhance patient treatment outcomes. Understanding patient perspectives when forecasting the impact of new treatment options. Appreciating how patients define recovery for themselves. I look forward to hearing from you.